Doing Business with Veterans Affairs
March 20th 7:30 am
Kingsport Center for Higher Ed
Doing Business with Veterans Affairs (VA) is a regional procurement readiness seminar designed to to help small and Veteran business owners become procurement-ready and prepared to do business with VA. VA is one of the largest procurement and supply agencies of the federal government. Who should attend: Current and prospective suppliers, including but not limited to Logistics, IT, Prosthetics, Engineering, HR, Healthcare, Medical Supply, and Construction Companies. The Veterans Administration (VA) wants to do business with you! Small businesses, woman-owned, minority-owned, and veteran-owned businesses (and those that want to become certified) and prospective contractors and subcontractors. Review of open opportunities for small businesses.
Speaker(s): Paul Middlebrooks, CCAS @University of Tennessee Procurement Technical Assistance Center; Veterans Affairs